RVK Fringe Festival 2024

Creating authenticity and a smooth user experience: Transforming Reykjavik Fringe Festival's Website 2024

RVK Fringe Festival 2024
Art and Culture
Web Design
Web Development
View Solution

our mission

The goal was clear: "Create the most user-friendly and visually appealing website for our festival attendees."

The Challenge

In 2023, the Reykjavik Fringe Festival faced significant challenges with their website: it failed to capture its vibrant spirit and posed difficulties for users trying to purchase tickets.

Our Approach

We designed a custom WordPress theme, inspired by this year's festival poster, that embodies the artistic and energetic spirit of the Reykjavik Fringe Festival. The goal was to be as simple and easy to use as possible.

Poster Design for 2024
Photography by Dan Zerin
Color Palette

Connection to Eventron

Sucessful integration to Eventotron's ticketing system into the new design to streamline the ticket purchasing process, while maintaining the festival's unique aesthetic.

optimized for mobile view

We added a custom made, easy to browse schedule view for all the events.

a succcesful outcome

The revamped Reykjavik Fringe Festival website not only reflects the festival's creative energy but also offers a smooth, user-friendly experience for ticket buyers, ensuring attendees can easily access event information and purchase tickets.


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